Oct 29, 2010

Amy's first photo shoot

It's been a busy week. The Multimedia department was given an assignment of creating three complete custom PowerPoint presentations in a week-and-a-half. We had to create slides from scratch, using imagery that wasn't already provided. So what did we do? We had multiple photo shoots! The presentations, all of which are promotional tools, focused on the book Meet the King!, Wondersurf.com and multimedia items. We needed a photo of a grandmother sharing Meet the King! with her granddaughter, so we used Amy and her Swiss Godmother, Liz. Tim Shirey did the photography, using just his flash and the white walls and ceiling to bounce. He also masked out the color on the entire image except for the book they're looking at. We're all very happy with the result.
You may ask "why do we do promotional materials? Aren't you focused on creating materials for children?" We're creating these so more churches can know what Child Evangelism Fellowship® can do to help them reach children in their community. It also explains the various projects in case someone would like to pray and give. We're hoping these presentations can be used in a mighty way to expand the work of CEF®!

Oct 25, 2010

Life of Christ 1

I sometimes feel like the Energizer Bunny, things just keep on going with these Good News Club® resource packs! I'm in the middle (actually hopefully near the end) of the pack for the CEF® lesson Life of Christ 1. This lesson begins with annunciation and finishes with the Lord Jesus calling his disciples. It's been a lot of fun, but there's always room for improvement. As a lover of maps, I really enjoyed researching for the maps included in the pack. Although simple, hopefully they'll help teacher better show where events took place. These packs have taken the lion's share of my time the last few weeks, but Lord-willing, it will help boys and girls know more about our Savior!

Oct 24, 2010

NEW! Car project update

We weren't planning on updating this so quickly, but we praise the Lord for our sending church which has pledged $3,000 toward our vehicle. We're not far from our goal! Please rejoice with us! Please also pray we can quickly raise the remaining amount.

Oct 13, 2010

Car project update

Just wanted to keep everyone updated on our latest numbers. As of Oct. 13, we've raised nearly two-thirds of the funds needed for our car.
We're continuing to pray for the remaining $5,530 to come in, especially by the end of November, as our current vehicle will not pass inspection without major repairs.
Would you please pray with us in this project? If you would like to give, you may send your gift to:
Child Evangelism Fellowship
PO Box 348
Warrenton, MO 63383-0348
Please designate the gift "Hautle vehicle E000 4119 035"
Thank you!