Oct 8, 2009

An interesting weekend

This past weekend Brent served his time for the year in the "Zivilschutz" or civil defense. As a Swiss citizen, it's his duty to serve every year. Brent worked at the brand-new Zivilschutz training center for it's grand opening., and he helped feed the masses, grilling bratwurts and pouring drinks. The inter-state fire training center, which is on the same compound, also had it's grand opening, so it was a two-for-one deal for the visitors. There were children's activities, displays, fire-fighting and civil protection equipment, antique firetrucks and a firefighting train. Visitors could also tour the training tunnel, where vehicles are scattered about to recreate an accident inside one of the many tunnels in Switzerland. Several vehicles were simple sheet metal with gas piping throughout to simulate a vehicle fire. The building training center was also impressive, with gas fixings throughout to simulate fires in different rooms.
Overall it was a fun experience and Brent was able to get to know others from the community. (Photo of Brent courtesy of Tim Shirey)