Mar 3, 2010

Hopp Schwiiz!

It was a lot of fun having the Swiss CEF team at Kilchzimmer the past few days. These workers, who are all from the Swiss-German speaking region, have a burden for the children of Switzerland. We hope they were encouraged and refreshed here on the mountain and can return to their ministry fired up! As I share this, would you please lift them up in prayer. Switzerland is a tough country to have ministry in. Humanism, materialism and apathy for things of Christ work against the reaching of children. All of these workers raise their own support, and even though Switzerland is a very wealthy country, it is very difficult raise funds. There are also three other regions in Switzerland that do not have a large active ministry – the French, Italian and Romantsch-speaking regions. Please pray for people of God's choosing to join the work to serve in these needy areas. Thanks!

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